Sunday, July 30, 2006


I've been surprised by some things here lately. I'll start with this morning. As I was driving downtown Dobson to go to church I met a red pickup truck. This truck was one of those big ones with the stuff all over the outside and a backseat, something not uncommon to Dobson. In my mind I expected to see someone who looked like Larry the Cable Guy driving. As I passed the truck I was really surprised to see not Larry, but a black guy with a suit and tie on. That just didn't seem right.

And yesterday I received an email from my brother-in-law, Bill. This was one of those "tests" that you scroll down and don't really know what it's about until the end. So I was taking it, and at the end you were either in 98% of the people who took this test or the 2%. Bill said he was 98%. I was 2%. I didn't realize I was that different.

And last night I was visiting with some friends in Low Gap. We had walked outside as I was getting ready to leave, and we stood there for 15-20 minutes talking, right after it had gotten dark. As we were talking I would feel, every once in a while, a crawling sensation on my legs, and I kept swatting at them, just in case there was something there. Well, this morning I was SURPRISED to find 15 mosquito bites. Why was I surprised? I don't know. I just didn't think about that feeling being actual mosquitoes last night.

AND, I guess this will be the last one, I was surprised to learn that another Puerto Rican is going to play basketball at Starmount again this year, and he is supposed to be AWESOME. This will make five PR's in the last three years, so I don't really know why I'm surprised. Since Starmount is supposed to have a pretty bad football team this year I guess they will be making up for in basketball.

Oh, and btw, two more days of no chocolate. I've sticken to my committment, but also I've gained 4 pounds this month. Another surprise!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

'I'll Show You How"

Last week Josh and his family stayed with us a few days. On Monday, while Megan and Josh went to Thomasville, I kept Isabella. We had a great time together. We watched a movie, walked around outside, played, ate, and read books. Isabella knows where I keep "her books", so she went right to them that morning and wanted me to read to her. I have "Bambi", "Brer Rabbit", "Peter Rabbit", and a few story books. She got out one of the story books, and we started reading. What I do is find a story I know, point to the pictures and just tell the story by the pictures. As she was flipping the pages looking for the next story she stopped on one and said, "Read this". I didn't know that story, so I said, "I don't know this one, let's find another one." That is when she said, "I'll show you how", and then she commenced "reading" the story to me. How cute is that?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Yahoo Graphics

I don't know if any of you have noticed the Yahoo Graphics. They change a lot. A couple of weeks ago it was this beach scene. The ocean would come in, and a little starfish would jump around, and a crab was crawling. So then a few days ago it was for the 4th of July with fireworks. Now it is a soccer theme, I guess because of the World Cup. If you want to see the animation just move your cursor over the red YAHOO letters at the top, and the balls will start bouncing, then the countries' flags will pop up. Anyway, there is always something different up there.

Speaking of soccer, my favorite teams (England, Argentina, and Brasil) are out. So I guess I'll go along with Quentin and pull for Italy next Sunday. ABF!!