This weekend we went to Georgia to see Justin (Chris) and Vanessa. We had a great time. We left here around 9:00 a.m. on Friday and went straight to Madison, GA. That is a cool little town with a lot of historical stuff. Apparently when Sherman went through burning everything he had some family in Madison, so he left that town intact. So today there are still the houses and stuff. But what I liked was just walking around the square downtown and going in all the shops. A lot of antiques and old books. Then we went on up to Athens about the time Vanessa got off work. We got lost, so she had to come get us. Then we followed her to their apartment - which is a really nice apartment. I think that is the largest kitchen I've ever seen in an apartment. Then around 7:00 Justin came home from work, and we ate homemade pizza for supper. It was really good. We went out for ice cream for dessert. (I know, but who diets on vacation?) The next morning (Saturday) we left for Atlanta. We parked the car somewhere and rode the MARTA (subway?). It was a little scary I thought. I was just glad to get to our destination. Which was the CNN building. We were right downtown. There were a lot of people around. We ate lunch in the food court on the bottom floor, then went on a tour. This was fun. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed it. We started off riding up an escalator which went all the way up eight storeys. It was right next to the food court, and when we got almost to the top I happened to look down. Big mistake. We were WAY UP THERE. It was scary. So then we were on the tour. We walked around and learned different things about the news, and then we were taken to the actual room where they were filming CNN News. You could see the woman primping, and then the camera was on her and she was announcing the news, then they would have a shot somewhere in the world, and the woman started primping again, and then it would come back to her. There were a couple hundred desks all sitting around with computers and monitors and stuff. Then we went down a floor or two to see the Headline News desk. It was a smaller version of the main one. I just thought it was a pretty cool tour, and I don't even like tours.
After we got done there we walked five blocks to Underground Atlanta. It was okay but really crowded. Then we got back on the MARTA and rode back to our car. The back trip was a lot better I thought. On the way in there was a crazy guy sitting close to us carrying on a pretty loud conversation with himself the whole way, so that was a little scary.
Then we went out to supper back in Athens at a place called Buffalo's. Then back to the apartment and just sat around talking. The next morning we went to church (Athens 2nd Ward), then packed up and came on back home. I loved the weekend, but it was nice to get home again. Justin and Vanessa are great hosts. I just wish they lived closer.
One other story. Last week the corn was in at the Branch farm ($1.50 a dozen), and I had thought about getting some to freeze. But with so much going on last week (my two nights of classes, and a church activity on Wednesday), and with getting ready for our weekend I had decided not to get any this year. I had just put it off, and last week was the last week you could get any. And then on Wednesday I was sitting at our church supper and swim party with Meredith Cozzens and her dad (Meredith's grandparents had the corn), and they started talking about the corn and how good it was. So I decided to, after all, try to get some. So Thursday morning I called to see about it, and they said I could pick it up at 6:00 p.m. My class started at 6:00, so they said to just come after that, that they would still be up. So, at 9:15 p.m. Thursday night I went over and picked up five dozen ears of corn. Last year when we got corn from there it was already shucked, but this wasn't. So, I brought the corn home, thinking to just shuck it on the back porch, because it was dark, and I really didn't want to bring all that into the house with all the bugs and worms and stuff on it. But, the porch light was really dim, and it was really hot, so I bit the bullet and brought in one bag at a time to the laundry room. I started shucking it over the trash can, but of course it was flying everywhere. And I tried to keep killing the little bugs as they were making their way to my kitchen. It was bad. Especially the ones with the worms. Finally Bennie came home from Winston and helped me, and then REALLY helped me by cleaning everything up while I started the blanching/ice water process and bagging them up. I finally got done around midnight, but our freezer is full of corn now!
Monday, August 08, 2005
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