Friday, February 23, 2007


I just got home from the ballgame. It was a close one - up until the last three or four minutes. Monroe was ahead of Starmount after the first quarter, at halftime (30-28), and I can't remember about the third quarter. But they were pretty neck and neck with the lead going back and forth the whole game. And then in the middle of the fourth quarter SM just took over! It was a sight to see. Of course the crowd was going wild. We ended up winning by 14 points! So we are now Sectional Champs. Next week we go to the Regionals in Winston at the coliseum. These playoffs started out with 64 teams, and now it's down to the "elite" eight - four from the west and four from the east. And guess who else is still in? That's right. North Surry. I don't see why SOMEBODY can't beat them so we won't have to play them anymore!


Quentin said...

when will starmount play north surry if they get that far?

Rise said...

They will be deciding that this weekend and announce it either tomorrow or Monday. The four teams in the west are us, NS, West Henderson, and Shelby. Everyone is saying that SM and NS probably will NOT be playing each other to start with. The games are Thursday night 7:00 and 8:30, with the final on Saturday. So, to answer your question, probably Saturday. (Captain Bill's on Friday???)