Sunday, April 24, 2005

No Daydreaming Today

I have a problem in church sometimes, well, a lot of times. I find the meetings kind of boring and find myself thinking about everything in the world except what someone is trying to teach me. It is something I seem to always be working on - trying harder to pay attention. Especially in Sunday School. We have been in a lot of different wards and branches over the years, and Sunday School seems to be the most boring class ever. Usually I find some excuse to stay out in the hall or in the library - anywhere other than the chapel where we have our adult SS class. Well, today was different. I went because we had a substitute teacher, and I wanted to show my support. As I told him later, this was the best class I have ever attended - ever. I can always judge how well a teacher is by how much I daydream in class. Today's was the first I can remember not daydreaming at all! He was interesting, he personalized the scriptures, he told stories, and he was hilarious. I will tell one thing he told us. He was talking about people going to church and criticizing things about the church, and how they should find a church they agreed with and go to that church. Then he said, "There are doors all over this building." He then went on immediately to another topic, and it took a few of us a couple seconds to realize what he had just said. You could see people's shoulders shaking with laughter. It was a very enjoyable class. I wish he was our teacher every Sunday. So, have you guessed who it is yet? I'll give you a clue. The very first time I met him I was working at a pizza restaurant. He came up to me as he was leaving and asked what time I got off. I was thrilled, thinking he wanted to get together afterwards. I said I got off at midnight, and he said, "That's past my bedtime," and walked out.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I Got A Bid!!!

I am taking an Ebay class at SCC. So last week I put two things on Ebay, then last Tuesday night, at the end of the auction, I had no bids on either one. I was really disappointed. So this week I put three different things on, and last night I looked, and one of them had a bid! I am excited. It is just $9.99, but still. I am having trouble learning about putting pictures on there, and now, of course, I will have trouble with shipping. So, wish me luck!

If anyone wants to see my stuff, one is a Jesus clock, one is a praying hands figurine made out of slag glass, and the other is a gemstone ashtray in the shape of Texas. You can probably find this stuff. I just see it on "My Ebay". Mom gave me this stuff. I need ideas of other stuff to put on. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Say It Ain't So Eric

Boy was I wrong. All this time I have been pulling for Eric Rudolph. I thought he probably did the abortion clinic bombing, but not thinking anyone was inside so as not to hurt anyone. But the Atlanta stuff I was absolutely sure they had the wrong guy. After they arrested Richard Jewell for it, and then realized he was innocent, I thought they just said it was Rudolph because no one could find him and he was easy to blame. So I was hoping they would never find him and he could just keep on living in the mountains - free as a bird, thumbing his nose at all the G-men looking for him. Now that he has admitted it, and especially today after saying, "I certainly did," and being so arrogant about everything, I hope he rots in prison. And one other thing. How can someone who is so against abortion because he believes in the sanctity of life commit these crimes?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

An Unprecedented Event

This is going to be a long story - kind of. I don't know if any of you readers out there watch American Idol or not, but I have gotten into it this year. I now see why so many people watch it. It is cool. It reminds me of all those times I got out my pen and paper during the Miss North Carolina or Miss America pageants and did my own judging of the talent. There is a theme each week, and all the contestants will sing a certain song going along with this theme. For example, a song from the 80's, or a song from Billboard's Number One songs, or something like that. So it is fun to see which songs they will pick out and how well they do them. And then the really fun part is to watch the judging. Randy Jackson is pretty much positive about 70-80% of the time. He says things like, "You're the bomb," and says "dawg" a lot. Then there is Paula Abdul - she of "Straight Up" fame (and a few other 80's songs). She is about 95% positive. Hardly ever says anything bad about anyone. And then there's Simon. He is my favorite, and what he says usually goes. He is just, IMO, right on the money every time. Me and Mom were talking a couple nights ago about how he always says exactly what we were thinking about the performances. It is amazing. And so, if Simon doesn't like someone, they are usually either in the bottom three or booted out altogether. And, of course, if - in his opinion - they did a great performance, they will be around for awhile.

So, now to the gist of my post. Last week there was, in host Ryan Seacrest's words, "an unprecedented event" in the history of American Idol. What happens is on Tuesday nights the singers all do their performances, and at the end of the show the phone lines are open and all of America (or almost all) calls in to vote for their favorite performer. Then on Wednesday night they have a half hour show where they go back through the night before and then announce the bottom three, and then say who is the very bottom and is off the show - which is a little on the cruel side if you ask me. So, last week during the Tuesday show when they showed the phone numbers to call, they screwed up three of the numbers.

So on Wednesday night, which was supposed to be the short show, Ryan came out and explained what had happened the night before and how they had to throw out all the results of the phone calls, and they ended up doing the whole Tuesday show again, just showing clips of the performances. And then the phone lines were open at the end of that show.

Now, this is a long story to tell this next part. Because, I guess, they have to be on a tight schedule, they decided to have their short show the next night on Thursday. Now, this Thursday night show was only decided to happen on Wednesday. It was not advertised in TV Guide, or the newspapers or anything. So, I was thinking, well, no one knows about this, how are they going to know it is even on. And then it hit me. Most people in America were watching Wednesday night and heard him say it would be on tomorrow night. So, to make a long story short (or just to end it), today I saw in the paper the ratings for last week. Guess what was #4 for the whole week? Thursday night's no advertised show! What power.