Thursday, November 16, 2006

That Doesn't Sound Good

Starmount has had a terrible football season this year, but they are supposed to have a really good basketball team, so I've been looking forward to going to the games. They have a junior this year who is ranked #1 in North Carolina. He is from Puerto Rico and has played the last two years at SM. He is really good and is around 6'10". They also have two other Puerto Ricans playing, plus a guy who transferred from Surry Central to play this year. So, they are supposed to be really good. They have even been invited to the holiday tournament at NC State, playing some of the top teams in the nation.

So, imagine my surprise. I was looking on the site and reading about this team. They had a scrimmage game last night with High Point Central. So there were comments asking about what time, who was playing, etc. And then this morning when I went to see how they had done last night I saw the following comments from Starmount fans - "Who won?", then "No one kept score", and finally, "Thank goodness".