Thursday, December 02, 2004

One of Life's Great Truths

Men can't find anything! I have lived with men all my life. I grew up with two brothers, and then I had three sons. And I don't understand why men can't find anything. I have seen my husband or one of my sons standing in the kitchen looking in the cabinet for something, and it will be RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM, and they can't see it. Or, all they may have to do is bend over a little bit to look on a lower shelf, or, and this really gets me, they may have to MOVE SOMETHING TO LOOK BEHIND IT to find the item they want. Well, last night was another great example. Bennie had washed his clothes and went to put them in the dryer. When he turned on the dryer there was this loud banging noise that clearly meant something was in there besides clothes. So Bennie goes to get whatever it was out, thinking maybe it was his fingernail clippers. So he goes to the dryer and opens the door, scrounging around, and can't find anything. So he takes out all the clothes and puts them in a basket and - wonder of wonders - STILL can't find anything. So, he just puts the clothes back in the dryer, turns it back on, and goes back in to watch TV, forgetting about it. Well, I didn't like the noise, and as I said, CLEARLY there was something in there that shouldn't have been. So I went to look. I got the basket and started putting clothes in it, checking each article as I went. About halfway through I noticed a pair of his pants seemed extra heavy. I felt around, and there was a HANDFUL of coins in one of his pockets. It was amazing that they had stayed in his pocket the whole time through the wash, but what was even more amazing is that HE COULDN'T FIND IT! What is it with men?

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