Thursday, July 19, 2007

Not Guilty - Yet

Am I the only person in the world who still believes MV might be innocent?? At least they should let him play football until they prove otherwise.


Josh said...

yep. you're the only one

Anonymous said...

It's a dog-eat-dog world.

Seth said...

Ah your not the only one. Every black in the U.S. thinks he is innocent and that it is a trumped up charge by white people to keep this wonderful person from his rightful place all black males dream of, a new car and a white woman!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I saw where Al Sharpton called for patience until all the facts are in. Yeah. Just like him in the Duke lacrosse rape case. I get it: Let's be patient with blacks and rush to judgment with whites! I think Commissioner Goodell should ban Vick for life. I don't think Pete Rose ever had a "fair trial!"