Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Ponyboy, What Happened?

I just finished watching a TV movie, "A Gunfighter's Pledge", I think was the name. C. Thomas Howell was one of the main characters. If I hadn't seen his name in the credits I wouldn't have recognized him. He has not aged gracefully at all. On the other hand, Luke Perry, who was also in the movie, has really come into his own since the Dylan McKay days. He has finally shaken off that teenaged punk look and has actually grown up into a pretty decent-looking actor. I think it's interesting to see how people age. When I go back to Starmount to a ball game or something I usually will see some people that I haven't seen since high school. The guys who were so cute back then are such rednecks now - beer bellies and all. It's like an opposite thing. The nerdy guys have actually grown up to be pretty handsome and seem to take better care of themselves. And the girls/women. Most of us have also gained a lot of weight, but there was this one girl at one of our reunions a few years ago that was always really heavy in school, and now she's got the body of a model. It's just strange.


Bennie said...

I have retained my cuteness since 1954 when I entered first grade. It's great not to worry about growing old, but sometimes life gets boring!

Chris Harris said...

Try as he might, Dylan McKay is all that Luke Perry will ever be. And not the hard edge bad boy that Kelly and Brenda fought over, but the self loathing drug addict he became after his father in law accidently killed his wife in an attempt to kill him. He never should have returned to the show.