Sunday, September 26, 2004

If we make the wrong choice, the danger is . . . We'll get hit again.

Well, I don't know how this title will look, but I thought I'd try. I was talking to Josh the other night and we were talking about this quote from Dick Cheney. All the media typed it as saying, "If we make the wrong choice, the danger is we'll get hit again," which has a totally different meaning than what he really said. If you saw the video of him actually saying this, he was rambling and didn't really finish his first sentence before he started another one. In essence he was saying that we WILL get hit again, no matter who is president. The question is who do you think can better handle a terror attack on our country - Bush or Kerry. I guess most anybody who reads this and knows me knows that I really like Dick Cheney. I don't see how anyone can listen to him talk about the issues and not agree with everything he says. He has a way of explaining anything that is thrown at him in simple terms that make sense. Probably his only bad point is that he does ramble while he is thinking - hence the above quote. And as for Haliburton, he did a great job for them. When he left four years ago he had some of his salary deferred to be paid at a later date, which he is receiving at present. That doesn't mean, like in one of Kerry's ads, that he still has "ties" to Haliburton, he is just receiving his salary that he has already worked for. I'm personally sick of John Kerry. He will do and say anything to get votes. He could care less about us and our country. I hope Bush blows him away Thursday night!

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