Sunday, June 19, 2005

Attack of the Hummingbirds!

This has never happened to me before. I was sitting on our porch swing yesterday watching this one hummingbird at our birdfeeder. He would come and sip a while and then fly away. Then he would come back for more. He was cool. At one point he was so still that I wasn't sure he was even drinking until I saw a bubble float up the bottle. He was mostly black with a red striple around his neck. At one point after he few away a different hummingbird came and started sipping from other feeder. We have two on a post right next to our front porch. He was gray and not as pretty. So, in a couple seconds the first one came back. So I was watching the two hummingbirds on the two different feeders, and I remember my mother telling me once that if two or more hummingbirds are together there is a "boss", and he will chase everybody else away. So I was wondering about this when all of a sudden the new hummingbird flew up and at the other one, and they both took off, RIGHT TOWARD ME! I was just sitting there when these two small creatures came at me 1,000 mph. Before I could even put up my hands to shield myself they were gone. They flew between me and the chain on the swing. It reminded me of the space motorcycles or whatever they're called in Star Wars, the 3rd one.

BTW, my job is going well. I'm still struggling with the accents, but it is getting easier. I got my picture made Friday for the practice's website. When it is updated I'll put a link on here.

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