Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Dancing with the . . .

Not stars. I am almost ashamed to even write this blog, but, well, I've started watching Dancing with the Stars this year. I've never watched it before, but I was curious. This year Marie Osmond and Wayne Newton are two of the dancers, and I wanted to see them. Marie gave somewhat of a PG13 show last night, which kind of surprised me. But she has a lot of "presence" on the stage and seems really comfortable. But Wayne Newton. My gosh. Have you seen this guy? He looks really weird. I guess he's had a lot of plastic surgery done. But he CAN'T DANCE - not a lick, as Thelma Lou says. But so far he has stayed in. So, watch it next week. I think it comes on Monday night. Probably my favorite is the boxer. I think his name is Floyd Mayweather. Anyway, he's like a little boy up there, cute as a button. And also Kelly from 90210 is in it. She's pretty good too.


Bennie said...

This really has nothing to do with your post, but I think you and I should take a shag class. It would give us something to do at these conferences we attend since there always seems to be a lot of beach music after dinner. (Anyone up north reading this, shag is a dance.)

Rise said...

Sign us up!