Sunday, October 14, 2007

The New Shows

Okay, I thought maybe it was time to review the new TV shows this fall. There are a few I've tried but didn't like - K-Ville, Chuck, Dirty Sexy Money (which I'm glad I didn't like because I don't like the title), and I accidentally saw part of Kid Nation which was terrible. So, the shows I do like:

Cane - This is a great show, probably my favorite of all the new ones. It has a great cast. I love Jimmy Smits and Hector Elizondo (from Pretty Woman), but Ken Howard is a hoot. He was the basketball coach on The Gray Shadow, I think was the name. Anyway, this is one of those shows where the main character is actually a bad guy, but you're still rooting for him.

Reaper - I really tried not to like this one, because I'm watching way too much TV, but I just can't help myself. It is such a cute show. This is one where you can tune in on any episode.

Bionic Woman - So far so good, but I can see it either getting boring or getting better. We'll see what happens.

Back to You - This is one of the best sitcoms I've seen in a while. And I really like Kelsey Grammar.

Women's Murder Club - This was a latecomer, so I've only seen one, but it has great potential. Angie Harmon is a police detective, and the first episode was really interesting.

So I guess this is it. I'm still watching ER, Shark, House, Supernatural, Men in Trees, and Criminal Minds. And then of course there is Y&R every day. I feel like I need to quit my job just so I'll have time to watch everything.


Bennie said...

From what I've seen, "Back to You" is that comedy that comes along much too rarely. Like "MASH" or "Cheers," is is funny is an intelligent sort of way. They don't have to resort to body functions and crude, juvenile remarks (like I do). I love it. Another good one this season is "Law and Order" on TNT. They are showing reruns from 2004-2007 which I never saw because I hate most first-run television.

Chris Harris said...

I haven't seen any of the shows you like this season, but i'm glad you have something to watch. the office is starting off really great this year.