Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Black Jesse Helms

Tonight I went to the Surry County Republicans meeting. This is my third time going to these meetings. It is fun. There are a lot of local politicians that come and talk, but tonight the big guns were there - Virginia Foxx and Vernon Robinson. It was interesting. After all the local guys talked, these two talked a little. Vernon is a little on the arrogant side - okay, a lot on the arrogant side. He was talking about how he had won the primary, and if there hadn't been a run-off his campaign would have more money. Which is true. Then Virginia Foxx got up (the one who called for the run-off) and said she was tired of "others" smearing her and telling lies about her. They were both talking about each other without naming names, and everyone there knew that.

From what I gathered, most of the Surry crowd is for Foxx. So after the meeting, me and Teresa Cowan, a friend from church (the one who went with me to see Bruce Springsteen - whom I no longer like now that he is campaigning for Kerry), talked a long time to Vernon (see how I'm on a first name basis with him), and he wants us to volunteer in his campaign, so we said we would. He was talking about spreadsheets and databases and stuff, and got our email addresses. When someone else came up to talk to him Teresa looked at me and said, "This will be fun." I said, "Yeah, but do you know what he was talking about?", and she answered, "No, but it will be fun!" So, we'll see what we are in for. Vernon has a cool ad running on the local channels now, and you can see it at When you go there, click on ads, and then "The Twilight Zone."

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