Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Get Phil Outta There!

Phil needs to make like a tree. I can't stand him. I'm surprised he's lasted this long. I thought Melinda was the best, and again I really liked Joan Jett, oh, I mean Gina. I hope she stays for awhile. Haley was a little desperate I thought. The guys, well, what can you say about them? Blake was pretty good, but that's it. Phil was just horrible. And what's up with Sanjaya? And the little girl crying over him?? Lakisha was just average last night. And one more thing - if this was a "British Invasion" show, where were the Beatle songs?


Scott said...

I'm with you on getting rid of Phil. Melinda has a great sense of pitch and the timbre of her voice is warm and rich. The only problem I have with her is how one would market her sound. I like Gina as well. I think we have many of the same taste in "Idols". You're right about Haley - she is desperate. She has accepted the fact that she has an average voice and she is trying hard to market her sex appeal. Blake is my favorite right now. I really enjoyed his arrangement of "It's the Time of the Season". I think that could be dressed-up and marketed right now. Even my daughter, Megan, asked about the lack of some good Beatles songs. I bet the Beatles' "Michelle" has been one of the most widely recorded tunes of all time. I think the Beatles' songs scared them. The Beatles are "the bomb".

Rise said...

So, of all the people to leave, Stephanie?? And Phil wasn't EVEN in the bottom three. Curiouser and curiouser.

Rise said...

And one more thing. I enjoy watching these "old rockers" come back and sing stuff, but they are terrible singers! So far none of them have been as good as the worst AI contestant. It's such a contrast.

Scott said...

Boo, hiss on getting rid of Stephanie at this point. My wife and I just looked at each other when the old rockers got up there to perform; no doubt, thinking the same thing you just said about the level of the AI performers. Oh well, maybe next week (goodbye Phil).