Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring Stuff

As the weather has gotten warmer we've been getting out and about more. As Bennie wrote in his blog, we went to Stone Mountain last Saturday. We hiked the "easy" backpacking trail, working our way up to the main loop trail which we'll do hopefully in a few weeks. Just like Vanessa, we didn't see any deer on the hike at all. There was ONE small doe on the side of the road on the way there, and that was it. There was a lot of gravel on the trail that I didn't remember from before, and my feet didn't like that very much.

On Friday afternoon Bennie and I went outside and practiced our disc throwing. My arm is still sore four days later. Bennie can throw it twice as far as me. I've got to get better because we're taking our stuff to Georgia in a couple weeks to play with Justin. They have a neat disc golf course at a park down there - you just have to watch out for the FIRE ANTS!

Yesterday I took my bike apart and put it in the back of my car. I had to go to Mt. Airy to turn in my work, so after that I went over the Greenway and rode for about 45 minutes. That is a really nice trail - paved and flat, just like I like them. At one point another creek comes into the main creek, and there is a beaver dam there. Last year there would just be a slightly rounded pool at the dam. Yesterday there was a POND. It was about 80-90 feet in diameter with trees and weeds coming up out of the water, looking almost like a swamp. I stopped for awhile watching for the beavers but never saw any. The dam itself was really nice, about 5-6 feet high. I could imagine the beavers being behind all those sticks watching me watch for them and laughing. Oh well.

And one more spring bit of news. Last fall Bennie planted 50 hyacinth bulbs for me right in front of our porch. That is my favorite flower, and I couldn't wait to see them springing forth. Well, they are nowhere to be seen, except for one scraggly pink one that halfway has come up and seems to already be dying. Maybe next year they'll come around.

1 comment:

Chris Harris said...

luckily, i don't think you have to worry about fire ants in april.